The SCAVENGE Final Workshop will be co-located with the SoftCOM 2019 conference co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and will take place on September 19-20, 2019 in Split, Croatia.
The event will provide insights on the studies and results achieved by our ESRs and a forum for practitioners and researchers from diverse backgrounds to exchange and discuss their recent ideas, research achievements, design and implementation experiences within the energy efficient communications, networking and computing.
Moreover, SCAVENGE will co-organize the Symposium on Green Networking and Computing in the framework of the main conference.
Here you can find the Call for Papers.
Submission can be done through Web link for paper submission in EDAS system (Symposium on Green Networking and Computing).
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings, and submitted to the publication in IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, etc.
Final program
Location: Hotel Radisson Blu Resort (Split)
September 19
- 09:30 – 11:00: Keynote Talk [chair: Dr. Paolo Dini]
- Toward Greener Network Operation – prof. Michela Meo (Politecnico di Torino)
- 11:00 – 11:30 coffee break
- 11:30 – 13:00: SCAVENGE selected topics [chair: Dr. Paolo Dini]
- Energy-aware Network Control – Dagnachew Temesgene (ESR04) / Nicola Piovesan (ESR05)
- Mobile Traffic Characterization from the Physical Control Channel using Deep Learning Techniques – Hoang Duy Trinh (ESR03) / Angel Fernandez Gambin (ESR06)
- Average Age of Information with Multiple Heterogeneous Information Sources – Elvina Gindullina (ESR07)
- 14:30 – 16:00: SCAVENGE Contest [chair: Dr. Paolo Dini]
- Mobile Data Challenge winners
- Analysis of LTE PDCCH Traces for MCS Prediction and Mobility Pattern Analysis – Ramon Maria Garcia Alarcia, Pau Batlle Franch, Antoni Josep Eritja Olivella (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
- User Classification and MCS Prediction with LSTM Neural Networks from LTE Traffic Data – Giovanni Perin, Gianluca Fighera , Yuri Nalesso (Università di Padova)
- Mobile Data Challenge winners
September 20
- 14:30 – 16:00: SCAVENGE Poster Session (ESRs) [chair: Dr. Marco Miozzo]
Call for Posters
We are soliciting technical contributions from our ESRs showing the main achievements of their individual projects. SoftCOM 2019 will offer a pleasant open space in the Conference hotel for presentation of Posters and Demos.
Two-page abstracts should be submitted for a peer review. Accepted and presented Posters and/or Demos will be published in the Poster/Demos Professional Session Proceedings.
Authors are invited to submit a poster/demo via EDAS. All posters/demos will be considered for the Best Poster/Demo award. An independent review committee will select the winner at the conference.
More information about the Conference including details on the submission process and authorskit is available on the website: http://softcom2019.fesb.hr
Submission of manuscript: July 12
Notification of acceptance: July 22
Camera Ready: July 25
Technical Program Commitee
Paolo Dini (CTTC)
Deniz Gunduz (Imperial College of London)
Michele Rossi (University of Padova)