Energy harvesting aware multi-radio access technologies network design for 5G

Contact names: Dr. Filippo Tosatto

Institution: Toshiba Research Laboratories

Application deadline: June 30th

Description: this project explores how the energy harvesting cellular network can be incorporated into existing radio access technologies (RAT), to allow the use of energy harvesting technology within a cross-RAT framework. It is widely accepted that, similar to previous generations, 5G will be an evolution of the current network architectures; and hence, in addition to allowing the introduction of new technologies and services, it will also enhance and support multiple existing RATs, such as GSM, HSPA+, LTE/ LTE-A, and even WiFi.

Expected Results: Development of physical/MAC/network layer techniques to balance energy consumption in heterogeneous network deployments where some of the access points/base stations rely on intermittent power sources for their operations.

Mobility Schedule: The ESR will be mainly at Toshiba Research Lab. After 20 months, the candidate will join Imperial College London for 10 months to develop mathematical model that will allow a quantitative study and optimization of interactions and trade-offs among co-existing multiple RATs in the case of energy harvesting terminals under the supervision of Dr. Deniz Gunduz.

Requirements of the candidate:

  • At the time of recruitment, the applicant must not have lived in UK for more than 12 months in the previous 36 months

  • A Master degree in Telecommunications, Computer Science or equivalent

  • Once selected by the SCAVENGE consortium for the ESR positions, the applicants must apply for PhD studentship at Imperial College London.

  • Knowledge on mobile networks, sensor networks, big data

  • Knowledge on energy systems and management

  • Ability and motivation to conduct high-quality research, including publishing the results in relevant venues

  • Strong programming skills (e.g. C/C++, Java, Python).

  • Working experience in the areas of Mobile Networks, Sensor Networks, Smart Grid, Energy Harvesting, Big Data management, Cloud computing is an advantage.

  • Knowledge on Optimization Theory is an advantage.

  • Very good communication skills in oral and written English.

  • Open-mindedness, strong integration skills and team spirit.

Job Conditions

The general conditions are described at the page in this link.
Contract duration (specific for this position): till the end of the project (January 31st, 2020).

How to apply

The applicants to ESR12 must send their CV, two Recommendation Letters by two referees and a Motivation letter directly to Dr. Filippo Tosato