Cellular-enabled IoT communications among energy harvesting devices

Contact name: Dr. Deniz Gunduz and Dr. Cong Ling

Institution: Imperial College London

Application deadline:

Description: This project will focus on machine-type communications among energy harvesting devices, and will aim at designing algorithms that can be implemented in the context of 5G networks. The goal is to achieve extremely low energy consumption in terms of protocol overhead, and use almost all of the available energy for data communications. This can be achieved by transferring the coordination complexity and the energy cost of scheduling among devices to the base stations (BSs) as much as possible.

Mobility Schedule: The candidate will be mainly hosted at Imperial College London, where he will also work towards his/her PhD degree under the supervision of Dr. Deniz Gunduz and Dr. Cong Ling. After month 18 the ESR will spend 3 months at New York University under the supervision of Prof. Elza Erkip, and after month 30 will spend 6 months at National Instruments R&D Laboratories.

Requirements of the candidate:

  • At the time of recruitment, the applicant must not have lived in UK for more than 12 months in the previous 36 months
  • A Master degree in Telecommunications, Computer Science, or equivalent
  • Once selected by the SCAVENGE consortium for the ESR positions, the applicants must apply for PhD studentship at Imperial College London. Failure to comply with the admittance procedure and requirements in the PhD program of Imperial College London will render the candidate ineligible to be offered the position.
  • Knowledge on communication and information theory, optimisation theory, networking, and strong mathematical foundations.
  • Knowledge on energy harvesting communication network optimisation.
  • Ability and motivation to conduct high-quality research, including publishing the results in relevant conferences and journals.
  • Programming skills (e.g. Matlab, C/C++).
  • Working experience in the areas of Mobile Networks, Sensor Networks, Smart Grid, Energy Harvesting, Big Data management, Cloud computing is an advantage.
  • Very good communication skills in oral and written English.
  • Open-mindedness, strong integration skills and team spirit.