research2SCAVENGE interests range from the characterisation of existing energy harvesting devices, storage systems and sources of energy consumption at the BSs and end devices (mobile terminals, sensors and machines), to the design of all the network architectural functionalities, including radio access network (RAN) and core network (CN) protocols, sensors and machine-type communication conditioned on energy, channel capacity, and network traffic constraints. Moreover the integration of the energy harvesting (EH) mobile network with the future smart electricity grid is also investigated.
Our research activities are organized in five dedicated technical workpackages (WPs) gathering ESRs’ individual projects.
We have also created three Working Groups to foster the cooperation between ESRs and increasing the visibility of their work.
More info can be found next.

Technical Workpackages

WP2: Energy models
characterization of different energy generation, storage and consumption sources composing the energy harvesting mobile system.

WP3: Sustainable Networking
design of efficient architectural framework for the management of energy harvesting 5G cellular networks to assure low overhead and topology reconfigurability.

WP4: Resource Optimization
design of the procedures and algorithms to support the predicted mobile traffic demand using the energy harvested by network elements, while assuring the best quality of experience (QoE) for mobile users and IoT applications.

WP5: End Device Communication
study of 5G network scenarios like smart cities, public protection and disaster relief (PPDR). In this context, device-to-device (D2D) communication, device-assisted networking and smart sensing from portable devices is investigated.

WP6: Integration with the Smart Grid
design of the architecture and the procedures enabling the integration of the energy harvesting cellular network with the smart electrical grid. The work is focused on new optimization paradigms, along with suitable energy trading policies and energy routing techniques to share and balance excess energy according to the prediction of traffic loads, mobility, etc.

WorkpackageWorkpackage leaderESRs' involvement
WP2: Energy ModelsCEAAll
WP3: Sustainable NetworkingHWFIESR03, ESR11, ESR14
WP4: Resource OptimizationCTTCESR04, ESR08, ESR10, ESR12
WP5: End Device CommunicationImperialESR01, ESR02, ESR07, ESR09, ESR13
WP6: Integration with the Smart GridUniPDESR05, ESR06

Working Groups

Energy Modelling

Network Architecture and Management

5G scenariosÂ